297th Anniversary - Sunday, Oct 20th
Festival Worship and Holy Communion Service based on the Order of Worship from the Provisional Liturgy of 1857 of the German Reformed Church at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Guest Preacher: The Reverend Ryan Travis, former Senior Pastor 2018-2020. Festive Coffee Hour and the Installation of Rev’d Travis’ portrait in the Church Parlor.
Organ and Piano Concert at 3 pm with Cameron Cody at the Allen Organ and the Teske Memorial Grand Piano. Mr. Cody is the Director of Music at Chapelwood United Methodist Church, Houston, Texas. He will dazzle us with selections for both the organ and the piano in a concert that will raise the roof of the historic church. The concert is co-sponsored with a gift from the Allen Organ Company and the Music Series Fund of New Goshenhoppen Church.
Worship for September 2024
Sunday, September 1
The Reformation Sisters at New Goshenhoppen 9:00 a.m. – Worship in the Sanctuary & Livestream – Rev’d Nick Pence, preaching. 10:30 a.m. – Worship in the Park – Rev’d Steve Myren, preaching Park Picnic follows worship
Sunday, September 8 – Two Kinds of People – St. Luke 15:1-10
Sunday, September 15 – Give Me – St. Luke 15:11-32
Sunday, September 22 – Now I Know – St. Luke 15:11-20
8:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary & Livestream,
10:30 a.m. in the Park – Community Pig Roast
Sunday, September 29 – Sonship – St. Luke 15:11-24
Women's Fellowship
The Women's Fellowship will participate in the East Greenville Community Day with a bake sale. The event will be held on Saturday, September 7th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Donations of baked goods are appreciated. Breakfast cakes and cookies are always a favorite. Since this is an outdoor event, please, no items which require refrigeration. Help is needed Friday evening at 4:00 p.m. in the church kitchen to price the items. Help is also needed to host the bake sale table on Saturday. Please mark your calendar. Please contact Delores Schuler (610-395-1507) with any questions or if you are able to participate.
Harvest Moon
The Full Moon Campfire is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17th at 7:30 p.m. at the Prayer Wall.
Bring a chair and you favorite non-alcoholic beverage. We are using leftover s’mores supplies from the summer, so marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers will be available.
Labor Day Weekend Worship
September 1st
The Reformation Sister Clergy (Palm, New Goshenhoppen, St. John’s Lutheran, Frieden’s, Pennsburg, St. Mark’s Luther-an, and St. Paul’s Lutheran) will come together on Sunday, September 1 at 10:30 a.m. in the New Goshenhoppen Park. If the weather is “ugly” we will be in the Sanctuary for a community service that includes Holy Communion. Following worship, there will be a “Potluck” Lunch, and the Bouncy House, a giant slide, Cornhole, and more will be out for an afternoon of family fun! The Rev’d Steve Myren (Pennsburg Church) will be the guest preacher.
There will be a 9:00 a.m. service for our “online” folks in the New Goshenhoppen Sanctuary. The Rev’d Nick Pence will be the guest preacher. We will make that service available to all of the Reformation Sister congregations to post on their websites for the day.​
The Reformation Sister Clergy have started a “breakfast” group that meets at our parsonage once a month. Pastor Dave often prepares the breakfast entre while others bring rolls, fruit, etc. This group of clergy has found fellowship and encouragement being together. Out of this has come several opportunities for us to worship and share in mission together. This fall we will be packing meals for an overseas mission project, the Thanksgiving Feast returns, mid-week Lent, and we keep thinking outside of the box to bring our congregations together in faith and fellowship.
300th Anniversary
On October 21, 2027, New Goshenhoppen Reformed Church will be celebrating its 300th anniversary. Since this will be a special event in the history of our church, the Historical Committee is looking to form a 300th celebration committee.
Anyone who is interested in sharing their ideas or help in planning the event are invited to participate. Please contact the Church Office to submit your name or suggestions.