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Join Pastor Dave the 2nd Sunday @ 9:15 am

Some months ago, Pastor Dave said he would teach a Sunday School class once a month on a specific topic on basic theology/doctrine of the church. He returns to teaching the Basics of Faith on Sunday, January 12 at 9:15 a.m. in the Bible Fellowship Room.


This winter we will be looking at the Theology of the Trinity!

January – Who Is God? The arguments for God’s existence, the attributes of God, the names of God, and more! Did you know that God has many names throughout Scripture that reveal the character and personhood of God? We’ll dig into God!


February – Who Is Jesus? His pre-existence, his incarnation, his humanity, his deity, his life, his death, his resurrection, his ascension, and his return! (Now, if I can cover that in 50 minutes that will be a miracle!) More likely that we will talk about Jesus in February and March!

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April – Who is the Holy Spirit? Is the Holy Spirit a “person” or an “it?” The Nicene Creed has a phrase in it “he proceeds from the Father and the Son and is worshiped and gloried.” What a mouthful – what does that mean? It is a phrase that split the church in the 11th century from the east and west! Pastor will have PowerPoints and note sheets for each class. We are finite and God is infinite, we will only scratch the surface and hopefully make you more curious to learn more about the Trinity!

January 2025 Worship Themes

January 5 – Epiphany Sunday with Holy Communion - Chalk Blessings for homes distributed.
January 12 – Baptism of the Lord - Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows.  Installation of Consistory and Ordination of Deacons (10:30 am).
January 19 – Jesus Comes to the Wedding – John 2:1-11
January 26 - Proclaim! – Luke 4:14-21

Youth News

The Advent Workshop will be held on the first Sunday of Advent, December 1. The samples and sign-up board will be in the Fellowship Hall and the Social Room. Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 1, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Don’t miss this fun event! There will be crafts for all ages. Adults and children alike can make beautiful decorations or gifts with the guidance of a craft leader. Helpers are needed, so if you are interested, please contact Bev Benner at Hope to see you there!


On Sunday, December 1 beginning at 6:00 p.m., the Youth Groups will be presenting New Goshenhoppen’s Second Annual Christmas Tree Lighting event! A 9-foot Norway spruce has been planted in the front of the church property. Please join us for carols and the reading of the Christmas story. We will have snacks and hot chocolate, and a family craft to share together. It promises to be a “new” special tradition!


The Sunday School will be getting ready for Christmas on Saturday, December 7th, beginning at 9:30 a.m. With the help of their teachers, all Sunday School students will be decorating their rooms and class Christmas trees. We will also practice for the Sunday School Worship Service, which will be held on Sunday, 12/22. At 11:30 a.m., the students will be served lunch. The lunch will consist of hot dogs, various snacks, applesauce, and drinks. Pick-up is 12:00 noon.

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Cookies Galore - Mark your calendars for December 8. The Senior High Youth Group is back in business and once again holding their beloved tradition of providing you with all your Christmas cookie needs! They’ll have the cookies, the containers, and the scale. You bring your sweet tooth and support of our youth. Donations of cookies will be appreciated. Please drop them off by Saturday, December 7 in the church kitchen and mark them with the words “Cookies Galore.” The sale will be held on Sunday, December 8 in Fellowship Hall during these times: 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.


On Sunday, January 12 after late church, the youth will have a “lunch and learn” meeting at the church, and on Sunday, January 26, they will have a fun bowling outing to Earl Bowl in Quakertown.


First Monday Meals

Monday Meals are truly one of my favorite days of the month! I love seeing groups come together and share their time and talents to help our community . . . and they have a good time doing it!

Our numbers have been steadily growing since my last update, and we are regularly serving over 200 folks each month now. And with that comes many happy faces when we serve them their meal. Folks are so appreciative of our work!


A big thank you to Bruce and Carol Adam for taking on the role of Parking Lot Traffic Control each month! This has been a great help, especially with our ever growing line of cars.


New Gosh congregation served meals in October and December. October was ham and green beans and December, chicken empanadas, Mexican rice, and refried beans. Many thanks to all who donated supplies, baked, cooked, served, and supported these meals. Christian Ed will be serving in January!

Fun Fact: January 2025 will begin our third year of serving here at New Gosh. Our first meal, served in Jan 2023, we served 84 meals. November 2024 we served 217.


We do still have a month or two available to welcome new groups to host the Monday Meal in 2025…it can be an organization, a business, a group of family/friends…anyone is welcome to host. To reserve a month in 2025 to prepare and serve, please contact Lori Horning 267.261.7273.


So grateful for the outpouring of support!

Care Packages​

During the month of January, items will be collected by the Health and Welfare Committee to create care packages for our young adult members attending college and in the military.


Donation boxes will be in the Social Room and on the stage in the Fellowship Hall from Sunday, January 5 through Sunday, January 26 if you would like to contribute.


Suggested items include pens, post-it notes, small office supplies, granola bars, candy, gum, mints, and individually packaged snacks.


Please note: College students are asked to provide a current mailing address to the Church Office by Friday, January 24, 2025, in order to receive a care package. Contact Cindy Roma at if you have any questions about this project.


Women's Fellowship

December: All women are invited to attend Tuesday, December 3rd gathering at 10:00 a.m. in the Confirmation Room for a brief business meeting. (Please note date change.) After the meeting, we will travel to the Schwenkfelder Library (Pennsburg) where we can see the various displays of model trains, hook rugs, and Christmas Village.


Looking Ahead: There will be no monthly Women’s Fellowship meeting in January. On February 3, 2025, we will meet for fel-lowship and enjoy a soup lunch. And on March 3, 2025, all are invited to hear and see a presentation on “The Perkiomen Trunk and Bag Fire,” the unsolved mystery of this tragic fire as presented by Larry Roeder, Historian.


Monthly Outreach: Open Link appreciates our yearly contributions of Christmas gift wrap such as wrapping paper, gift tags, tissue paper, bows, and tape. Please place your items in the container in the Social Room.

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300th Anniversary


On October 21, 2027, New Goshenhoppen Reformed Church will be celebrating its 300th anniversary. Since this will be a special event in the history of our church, the Historical Committee is looking to form a 300th celebration committee.


Anyone who is interested in sharing their ideas or help in planning the event are invited to participate. Please contact the Church Office to submit your name or suggestions.

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