How We Govern Ourselves
New Goshenhoppen UCC acknowledges as its sole Head, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of the World.
Each local congregation within the United Church of Christ is responsible for management of its own affairs. Our church's governing body is the congregation. The congregation meets annually to review ministry investments, approve the annual budget, and vote to elect new members to serve on the church Consistory.
The Consistory is the policy making body of the church, and is responsible for:​
seeing that provisions are made to raise funds for the budget (including benevolences),
providing regular over site of finances, and
giving support to the staff and to committees to support the mission and ministry of the church
In addition to the pastors, the Consistory consists of:
6 Elders who focus on the faith life of the church, assisting the pastors with worship and congregational visitations.
6-9 Deacons who lead the church in service (mission & outreach), love (fellowship), and the development of congregational giving (stewardship).
3 Trustees who ensure proper care of facilities and grounds.
Monthly Consistory meeting minutes and committee meeting minutes are available in the church Reading Room.
Thomas Bancroft
Denise Fox
Donna Fried, Consistory President
Will Howe, Consistory Vice-President
Emily Moyer, Consistory Secretary
Nonna Stankunas
Lois Anastas
Doug Atno
Gene Basara
Terry Dworkin
Amy Hangey
Peter Hemperly
Melissa Jamison, Consistory Treasurer
Randy Peterson
Bruce Adam
Frank Eidle, Jr.
Neil Kemp
​Congregation & Committees
The Consistory works with congregational members and committees as the hands and feet of the church to carry out the mission and ministry of the church.
Committees include teams focused on:
Ministry (Music, Altar Guild, Visiting, Historical, Church & Ministry, Christian Education)
Church Life (Health & Welfare, Mission & Outreach, Friendship)
Resources (Finance, Personnel, Nursery School, Stewardship)
Building & Grounds (Property, Park, Cemetery, Land Use)
Policies & Guidelines
Listed below are documents that cover how we govern ourselves. To display a full copy of the documents listed, click on the name of the document desired.
Constitution and By-Laws - "The avowed purpose of this church shall be to worship God, to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the Sacraments; to realize Christian fellowship and unity within this church and the Church Universal; to render loving service toward humankind; and to strive for righteousness, justice and peace." This document also covers Faith, Membership, Governing Body, Consistory, Senior and Associate Pastors, and Property.
Safe Church Policy - "The congregation of New Goshenhoppen United Church of Christ aspires to be a God centered fellowship. Here, all can seek a closer relationship with God in a trusting, nurturing place. As part of this passion, one of our goals is to provide a safe environment for children, youth and adults as they participate in our programs and use our facilities. This policy will provide an educational aspect to help make us aware of potential problems, provide procedures to follow to help safeguard our children, youth, and members, and deal with any violations of its content."
Personnel Policy - "The purpose of the Personnel Policy is to define the personnel administration provisions of the New Goshenhoppen United Church of Christ; to provide for the administration of policy; and to insure that the employment, supervision, development, recognition and separation of all New Goshenhoppen United Church of Christ employees are fair, uniform, and within the guidelines of the Constitution and Bylaws of the New Goshenhoppen United Church of Christ."
Ushering & Greeting Guidelines - This document covers the responsibilities of ushers and greeters, including before, during, and after services. Communion service positions are also detailed out.